

These carousels are powered by slick.js. The example below is a basic initialization.

Multiple Items

Set number of slides to show for carousel by setting slidesToShow property.

Responsive Display

Set slides to show for carousel by setting responsive property.

Variable Width

Set variableWidth: true to enabled width features and set variableWidth property for width.


Set fade: true to enabled fade effect and set fade property for linear speed.

Adaptive Height

Set adaptiveHeight: true to enabled height features and set adaptiveHeight property for height.

Look ma!
this out!

Center Mode

Centered carousel, you can enable this feature by setting centerMode: true.

Lazy Loading

To use lazy loading, set a data-lazy attribute on your img tags and leave off the src.


Set autoplay: true to enabled autoplay features and set autoplaySpeed property for autoplay speed.

Slider Syncing

Sync your carousels and make one of them as navigation, look the example.

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Crafted with by Codebucks